The general theme of the website we have been asked to assemble is "Malaysian Tourism" and our section within this website is " Culture & Heritage Attractions".
Cultural and Heritage tourism is a branch of tourism oriented towards the cultural heritage of the location where tourism is occurring. is the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.Its accounts for a big part of Malaysian tourism.
Members of Tutorial Group A
Team #1
1. Keith Vusi Manele
2. Sandy Siphi Matale
4.Norisha Izareen bt Hamid
5. Lim Kher Yuing
Team #2:
2. Khoo Wei Yee
Team #3:
2. Yap Fei Xin
link- http://terengganu-2010.blogspot.com/
Team #4:
link- http://culture-of-georgetown-penang.blogspot.com/
Team #5:
2. Lim Chen Ying
link- http://bc271a-sabah.blogspot.com/
Team #6:
2. Chong Yuin Han
3. Linda Lau Ling Ling
4. Gun Lok Hen
link- http://eyesonsarawakcultures.blogspot.com/
Team #7:
2. Wong Kian Siang
Team #8:
2. Chong Wei Wei
Team #9:
2. Sharmilly Manoharen
3. Xue Jiao Liu
link- http://bcdms-eclipseg9.blogspot.com/2010/06/initial-proposal.html
The Target market of our website is individuals from the age of 25 onwards. These are normally people who fall in the earning bracket of tourists . Therefore our website will be very informative.